機器學習動手做Lesson 25 — Variation of Information Distance 是檢測集成分群效果的好方法
過去幾週我們介紹了 4 個集成(Ensemble)分群(Clustering)的方法(Majority Vote、Iterative Voting Consensus、Iterative Probabilistic Voting Consensus、Iterative Pairwise Consensus),以及 2 個評估集成分群效果的指標(Symmetric Distance、Rand Distance)。今天,我們要來介紹由一組團隊提出的評估集成分取的方法:Variation of Information Distance
說明方法之前,我們要先介紹 Entropy。在分群問題中,某一個分群演算法的 Entropy 為「子群的資料數占全部資料數的比例」乘上「子群的資料數占全部資料數的比例的對數」,再加總,最後取負號。
二、Mutual Information
在集成分群問題中,我們可以計算集成與基學習器(Base Learner)的 Mutual Information。計算方式如下:
三、Variation of Information Distance
有了 Entropy 跟 Mutual Information 之後,就可以計算 Variation of Information Distance,公式如下:
其實就是集成與基學習器的 Mutual Information,除以「集成的 Entropy 乘上基學習器的 Entropy 再開根號」。
四、Python 程式
以下建立計算 Entropy 的函式。
def get_entropy(x, n_clusters):
p = np.zeros(n_clusters)
for i in range(n_clusters):
p[i] = (-1)*(x.count(i)/len(x))*np.log(x.count(i)/len(x))
return np.sum(p)
以下建立計算 Mutual Information 的函式。
def get_intersect_num(x, x_cluster, y, y_cluster):
x_index = [i for i in range(len(x)) if x[i] == x_cluster]
y_index = [i for i in range(len(y)) if y[i] == y_cluster]
return len(set(x_index) & set(y_index))def get_mutual_info(x, y, n_clusters):
p = np.zeros((n_clusters, n_clusters)) m = sys.float_info.min for i in range(n_clusters):
for j in range(n_clusters):
p_x_y = get_intersect_num(x, i, y, j) / len(x)
p_x = x.count(i) / len(x)
p_y = y.count(j) / len(y)
p[i][j] = p_x_y * np.log(m + p_x_y / (p_x * p_y))
return np.sum(p)
有了上述的函式後,就可以計算集成跟每個基學習器的 Variation of Information Distance。
def get_info_var_distance(x, n_clusters):
n_sample = len(x[0])
n_ensemble = len(x)
distance = np.zeros(n_ensemble)
for i in range(1, n_ensemble):
mutual_info = get_mutual_info(x[0], x[i], n_clusters)
learner_entropy = get_entropy(x[i], n_clusters)
ensemble_entropy = get_entropy(x[0], n_clusters)
distance[i-1] = mutual_info/
np.sqrt(learner_entropy * ensemble_entropy)
return np.sum(distance) / n_ensemble
Nguyen, Nam & Caruana, Rich. (2007). Consensus Clusterings. Proceedings — IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM. 607–612.
Chia-Hao Li received the M.S. degree in computer science from Durham University, United Kingdom. He engages in computer algorithm, machine learning, and hardware/software codesign. He was former senior engineer in Mediatek, Taiwan. His currently research topic is the application of machine learning techniques for fault detection in the high-performance computing systems.