上週我們介紹了Permutation Importance,這是一個簡單的方法可以幫助我們判斷哪一個特徵比較有用。但是,這個方法有這麼萬能嗎?今天,讓我們來仔細研究一下。
def func_get_data(N_data, N_feature):
x = np.random.normal(loc = 0,
scale = 1.0,
size = (N_data, N_feature))
y = 2 * x.T[0] + np.exp(x.T[3])
return x, y
下面是進行Permutation Importance的函式:
def func_permutation(model, x, y, err): for index_feature in range(len(x[0])):
list_score = []
for index_sample in range(len(x)):
dat = copy.deepcopy(x[0])
ans = y[0]
for index_permute in range(1, len(x)):
dat[index_feature] = x[index_permute][index_feature]
pred = model.predict(dat.reshape(1, -1))
score = mean_squared_error([ans],
x = np.roll(x, 1, axis = 0)
y = np.roll(y, 1, axis = 0)
print("Permute feature:",
", get importance:",
np.mean(list_score) - err)
下面我們建模,計算訓練資料的Permutation Importance:
N_data = 50
N_feature = 5# Training Permutation Importance
x, y = func_get_data(N_data, N_feature)
model = RandomForestRegressor(max_depth = 2).fit(x, y)
pred = model.predict(x)
err = mean_squared_error(y, pred, squared=False)
print("Model Training Error:", err)
func_permutation(model, x, y, err)
Model Training Error: 1.0616756796895293
Permute feature: 0 , get importance: 1.0274945595035518
Permute feature: 1 , get importance: -0.2743515824983511
Permute feature: 2 , get importance: -0.2847040473884165
Permute feature: 3 , get importance: 1.358404906392464
Permute feature: 4 , get importance: -0.26483976772753015
二、高相關性特徵造成Permutation Importance低估特徵重要性
現在來仔細想一下,當我們在訓練模型時,其實是要讓模型找到特徵跟標籤之間的關係。而Permutation Importance的原理,是要打亂這個關係。如果模型發現某個特徵跟標籤很有關係,那麼打亂這個特徵後,模型的準確度會下降很多。
但是,如果今天有兩個很類似的特徵,舉例來說,我們要用華氏溫度跟攝氏溫度這兩種特徵來預測冰淇淋銷售量,那麼即使我們打亂其中一個特徵,模型依舊可以用另一個特徵來做預測。兩個特徵很相似,刪掉其中一個對預測結果或許影響不大,因此會產生誤判特徵重要性,但實際上兩個特徵一樣重要。這樣Permutation Importance是不是就低估特徵的重要性了!
x.T[4] = x.T[3]
接著,我們重新建模,並且執行Permutation Importance。
model = RandomForestRegressor(max_depth = 2).fit(x, y)
pred = model.predict(x)
err = mean_squared_error(y, pred, squared=False)
print("Model Training Error:", err)
func_permutation(model, x, y, err)
Model Training Error: 1.0466908346231434
Permute feature: 0 , get importance: 1.0659735349063149
Permute feature: 1 , get importance: -0.2905082899964956
Permute feature: 2 , get importance: -0.28291262399017536
Permute feature: 3 , get importance: 0.33717581843907984
Permute feature: 4 , get importance: 0.5982680395610811
可以很明顯地看到,feature 3的重要性下降且feature 4的重要性提升了!如同我們預期,高度相似的特徵,會造成Permutation Importance低估特徵重要性。因此,當要使用Permutation Importance之前,建議可以先檢查特徵的相關性,比如說用Pearson Correlation Coefficient或Spearman Correlation Coefficient,詳細說明可以參考旗標出版的「資料科學的建模基礎 — 別急著coding!你知道模型的陷阱嗎?」。
三、模型過度配適造成Permutation Importance高估特徵重要性
換個方式想,過度配適也可以想成「模型太過重視某個特徵,其實該特徵跟標籤並非這麼有關係,模型只是誤抓一堆雜訊而已」。因此,如果我們使用Permutation Importance時,遇到一個過度配適的模型,就有可能高估特徵重要性。
def func_overfitting_data(N_data):
e = np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = 1.0, size = N_data)
x = np.linspace(start = -2, stop = 2, num = N_data)
y = x + x**3 + 2 * e
x = np.concatenate(([x],
[x**7]), axis = 0)
return x.T, y
x, y = func_overfitting_data(N_data)
model = RandomForestRegressor().fit(x, y)
pred = model.predict(x)
err = mean_squared_error(y, pred, squared=False)
print("Model Training Error:", err)func_permutation(model, x, y, err)x, y = func_overfitting_data(N_data)
pred = model.predict(x)
err = mean_squared_error(y, pred, squared=False)
print("Model Testing Error:", err)func_permutation(model, x, y, err)
為了展示過度配適的影響,我們將原本超參數max_depth = 2移除,讓模型全力抓雜訊跟標籤的關係。讓我們看一下結果:
Model Training Error: 0.781349434595992
Permute feature: 0 , get importance: 0.552101830817091
Permute feature: 1 , get importance: 0.09724067334119402
Permute feature: 2 , get importance: 0.6438505436715355
Permute feature: 3 , get importance: 0.04818855424802326
Permute feature: 4 , get importance: 0.5612009974851658
Permute feature: 5 , get importance: 0.040477137312374456
Permute feature: 6 , get importance: 0.639716318236954
Model Testing Error: 2.1539242695811427
Permute feature: 0 , get importance: -0.025626816319340495
Permute feature: 1 , get importance: -0.31557802746050334
Permute feature: 2 , get importance: 0.03802460538390662
Permute feature: 3 , get importance: -0.3349522137661738
Permute feature: 4 , get importance: -0.010636557256972878
Permute feature: 5 , get importance: -0.3582242901145105
Permute feature: 6 , get importance: 0.061714464789204726
我們可以從訓練資料的Permutation Importance當中看到,7次方(feature 6)的特徵竟然得到0.6397分,然而實際上特徵跟標籤根本不具有7次方的關係。所以從測試資料中就發現7次方的特徵只有0.0617分。因此,我們驗證了過度配適會造成Permutation Importance高估特徵重要性。
如何解決這個問題呢?可以使用各種常規化(Regularisation)方法來避免模型過度配適,關於常規化可以參考這篇。大家也可以如同範例,使用Permutation Importance在訓練資料以及測試資料上,若得到類似的結果,那麼對於特徵重要性的判斷,就比較沒問題囉。
1、高度相關的特徵會讓Permutation Importance低估特徵重要性,建議可以先使用相關係數來檢測特徵相關性。
2、過度配適的模型會讓Permutation Importance高估特徵重要性,建議可以使用常規化,或是對訓練資料跟測試資料都使用Permutation Importance。
Chia-Hao Li received the M.S. degree in computer science from Durham University, United Kingdom. He engages in computer algorithm, machine learning, and hardware/software codesign. He was former senior engineer in Mediatek, Taiwan. His currently research topic is the application of machine learning techniques for fault detection in the high-performance computing systems.